

​​Sojourner Truth was deeply involved in working for the abolition of slavery and women’s rights. The work continues.  The Sojourner Truth Memorial Committee annually honors three or more scholarships of at least $1,500 to graduating high school seniors who carry this heritage forward in their own way.


Who Can Apply?

All Hampshire or Hampden County public high school seniors who have been active in social justice efforts and plan to attend college or postsecondary school.

Please share this news with students, teachers and others and encourage graduating high school seniors who have initiated projects, or worked actively in clubs that promote social justice work to increase human rights, voting rights, promote diversity, reduce injustice, and/or work to end violence, bullying, racism and discrimination or other causes.

Faculty nominations or letters of recommendation are welcome. Contact 

How Are Scholarship Recipients Recognized? 

Recipients of the Sojourner Truth Social Justice Awards will be asked to speak briefly about their social justice work and receive their scholarship awards in person at the annual celebration on Sunday, May 25, 2025 at the Sojourner Truth Memorial Statue Park in Florence.

Application Guidelines 

Tell us about your social justice work:
Write a typed, double-spaced essay of 800 to 1000 words (3 to 4 pages) describing your experience working for social justice in your school or your community. Include the information outlined below. Feel free to enhance your essay by attaching brief (not to exceed 2 minutes) digital, graphic, or other art form material (optional).


  1. Describe your social justice project(s) and your level of leadership and involvement.  Explain what motivated you to choose this project, what you did, and what the project accomplished.

  2. Describe how your project addresses the broad goals of social justice such as reducing economic inequality, improving human rights, voting rights, promoting diversity, or working to end violence, racism, and discrimination.
  3. Explain how your goals and work relate to the life and goals of Sojourner Truth. Include specific references about her work.
  4. Tell us what college or post-secondary program/training you plan to attend and your plan for continuing your social justice work after high school. Briefly share any other personal information that pertains to your work for social justice.

Your submission will be evaluated according to the following values:

(55%) Leadership and initiative with project(s) and activities 

(30%) Relevance drawn between Sojourner Truth and your goals 

(15%) Clear and effective writing (accuracy of information, spelling, and grammar), plus compliance with formatting instructions that call for double spacing.

How to Apply

 Application Form | Sojourner Truth Memorial Committee

You can submit your application online or download and email directly to or mail your application to Sojourner Truth Memorial Committee, Box 60405, Florence MA 01062

Mailed applications should be postmarked by application deadline.



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