Standing Together Against Racism and Antisemitism

Tuesday, September 13, 2022
7:00-8:30 pm free on Zoom
Please join us for and inspiring presentation by Yavilah McCoy, an anti-racism activist and third generation Jewish woman of color. Yavilah is a renowned nation speaker, educator and spiritual practitioner. She will explore racism and antisemitism as the impact both Black and Jewish communities and the relationships between us.
Our goal is to build on Yavilah's energy and knowledge and create bridges to stand TOGETHER against racism and antisemitism. If you are eager to do the work of standing TOGETHER against the politics of hate, you won't want to miss this event!
Register in advance for this free meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting
For more information, contact
We are grateful for our Co-sponsors:
Co-Sponsors for Standing Together Against Racism and Antisemitism
Abundance Farm
ACLU of Massachusetts
Amherst Area Gospel Choir
Beit Ahavah Synagogue
Edwards Church
Greater Springfield Campaign for Non-violence
Jewish Activists for Immigration Justice
Lotus Peace Arts/VWMA
Northampton Friends Meeting
Racial Justice Rising
Reparations Committee of Northampton
Smith College Religious and Spiritual Life
Sojourner Truth Memorial Group
Temple Israel Greenfield
The Islamic Society of Western Mass.
The Lander-Grinspoon Academy
The Real Cost of Prisons Project
Tikkun Olam Committee of the Jewish Community of Amherst
Traprock Center for Peace and Justice
U.U. Society of Northampton and Florence
Valley Interfaith Refugee Action Group
Western Mass. SURJ