Sojourner Truth Social Justice Awards

Five outstanding graduating high school seniors from Hampden and Hampshire public schools will be awarded Sojourner Truth Social Justice Awards at the 22nd annual celebration of Sojourner Truth on Sunday, May 26 at the Memorial Statue in Florence, corner of Park and Pine Streets (Bombyx Center for Arts and Equity in case of rain).
Program will include
- Keynote speaker Dr. Marcus Ware, Superintendent of Chicopee Public Schools
- Music by The Amherst Gospel Choir and Social Music
- Awards ceremony with brief comments from each scholarship recipient
- Remembrances and Acknowledgements of Community Supporters
2024 Scholarship Recipients
Noa Jane Chambers, Amherst Regional High School (Hampshire)
Layne Holcomb, Tantasqua Regional High School (Hampden)
Julian Hynes, Amherst Regional High School (Hampshire)
Alice Jenkins, Hampshire Regional High School (Hampshire)
Myles Willers, Northampton High School (Hampshire)
The Sojourner Truth Social Justice Award honors seniors who have completed social justice work projects that align with the vision that Sojourner Truth believed in during her time living in Florence, MA, (1843-1857). Fifty-seven seniors have received the Social Justice Award since 2006. The awards program was extended to include Hampden County students in 2017. [Embed link here to Past Recipients] The application essay requirements include demonstration of leadership and initiative, relevance to Sojourner Truth history and writing skills. [Link to Application]