Sojourner Truth Play


As part of the Sojourner Truth Committee’s commitment to introducing Sojourner’s powerful story and vision into school curricula, the committee in 2009-10 collaborated with Enchanted Circle Theater to produce a play about Sojourner’s life. “Sojourner’s Truth: I Will Shake Every Place I Go To”, written by Enchanted Circle Theater, was a touring theatrical concert for youth and adult audiences. The play gave an historically accurate picture of Sojourner Truth’s life and the context of the time in which she lived, while telling the journey of her personal transformation from powerlessness to empowerment. Enchanted Circle Theater also produced an accompanying experiential workshop, related artist-in-residency curriculum, and teacher preparatory materials as part of the creative education package on Sojourner Truth. They have now produced a complete version of the play on CD with an accompanying teacher’s curriculum workbook. You can purchase it here:

On April 1, 2010 Sojourner’s Truth was premiered in Northampton to an audience of 700 people. It has played to 8 different school districts since then and will be available to schools and groups.

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